Thursday 30 June 2011

Time and Choice

A thing I often notice, is that people complain that they don't have the time to do things they want, should, or ought to do.... I have some thoughts on that matter I would like to share here....

Gandalf (yes, the wizard from Lord of the Rings) says some pretty true words about the time-choice dilemma:

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" (Gandalf/ J.R.R. Tolkien)

And I am convinced this is true. One day, I was rushing to my work on my bike, racing through the center of dear old Amsterdam. My mind was rather occupied: I was thinking of the meeting and dinner I planned after work, with a real good friend. I realised that that would bring me great joy, but left me no time that day to study, while a deadline was waiting impatiently. I looked around, feeling troubled.... the phrase "I have no time" buzzing through my skull.... Suddenly, I realised that I had just as much time in every day as everybody else.... there's 24 hours in a day, no matter what you do.... So, basically, time itself could not be the problem.... then what was the problem? The fact that I had to work all day which brought in money, but prevented me from studying or meeting friends? The fact that I choose to meet up with friends after work, which brings me joy and life lessons I cannot figure out on my own? The fact that I studied, and that keeps me from working or meeting friends? None of these are any problem on their own... The problem was, I think, that I did not consciously choose the things I did that day... When I choose to do one thing, I must thereby accept that I cannot do another simultaneously.... Not making this choice consciously, seemed to be the problem to me. With a happy sigh of relief, I realised I had chosen to work and earn money that day, AND chosen to meet my friends. When I fully realised this, I did not mind at all that I would not have time to study anymore that day, for that would be my priority tomorrow! And I would do well at it, for I had made some money, and had great chats with some beloved souls, now if that does not make you up for studying!

I realised that life is not so much about time, but much more about (conscious) choice.

Ever since this moment, I try to choose very consciously what I do today, and what I do tomorrow, and on the few days I succeed to do this, I am even more happy than usual :-)

Thanks for reading! And please feel free to comment or discuss, I will be happy to see your way of viewing this dilemma :-)


  1. I agree, it all comes down to being at peace with the way you decide to spend your´s only you responsible for that decision...

  2. Interesting read Nar:) Personally I'm not that conscious about how I spend my time on a day, but it works out quite allright most of the time:-) What I would like to stress in your story as well, is that one should fully embrace their choice/tradeoff. Sometimes people (incl. myself previously) think they should e.g. clean up, but don't feel like it and therefore do something more fun. However they are then hardly enjoying their alternative activity as they feel guilty about not cleaning up. What a waste is that?! Just accept you're too lazy that day and enjoy it to the fullest!:-) Maybe that will give you the energy to do it some other time. Y. About what to do with the time given to us in broader terms, with life, that's a harder question though! Y.

  3. @ Cal: Thanks for the comment! Yep.... the difficult part though, I think, is to learn to be aware of this rather constantly... Best thing would be to learn it like we have learned how to breathe... well... let's try :-)

  4. @ Y: Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I am not that conscious either, most of the time, but well, everything counts I think.. and the moments we are are great :-)

    Guilt is indeed a difficult thing in this, and a good addition to the matter, I never reflected on it much, but for me too, it works the way you mention. It is a hard question... but when we try to be aware of our choices (and the options to choose from) we may be well on our way.... Like I said to Cal, let's try....
