Tuesday 28 June 2011

Name of the blog

About the name of this blog:

In Norse Mythology, Yggdrasil is the the world-tree. This tree in a way, connects the nine world that exist according to Old-Norse and Scandinavian (and also modern Norse/Germanic) belief.  Yggdrasil stands at the center of the worlds, and it's origin is unknown. The tree exists as long as the world exists. When, after the final battle between the Gods and the Giants, fire consumes the world, Yggdrasil too, burns. After any fire, there are ashes left, and ashes are fertile. I imagine that ashes from the world tree, are very fertile indeed, and from them may grow many new and beautiful things. In Voluspa too, is written that after the burning, a new world arises. Fresh, green and a source for new life and new beginnings. The idea that life has its cycles and that even if things go down bad, good things may arise from it, is very dear to me.

This inspired me to create this blog to share things I consider worth sharing.
